Pangolins live in open spaces and in tropical forests. They are terrestrial and arboreal inhabitants. These animals are most active at night. In the daytime, the pangolins are protected by hollows, tree crowns and deep burrows. The depth of the burrow can reach 7.5 m. These animals move slowly. The fastest among them is the ground pangolin that moves at a speed of 3.5-5 km/h. Like kangaroos, pangolins can stand on their hind legs. In this case, they rely on their tail. If something threatens them, the animals curl up into tangle. Only such large predators as tigers and leopards are able to unfold this tangle. However, at the slightest threat, the pangolin releases a liquid from its anal glands, the repulsive smell of which scares off the enemy.

The animals have poor eyesight and poor hearing, but they have an excellent sense of smell. They eat ants and termites. The saliva of pangolins emits a pleasant honey aroma that attracts termites and ants. The researchers found from 150 g to 2 kg of insects (usually from 2 to 3 species) in the stomachs of these animals. Pangolins do not eat other food, so it is difficult to keep them in captivity. Animals drink by wetting their tongue in water and quickly putting it in their mouth.

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